Plexilux®-opstanden are manufactured. high impact resistant white PVC according to a highly mechanized production method, where a beautiful and sleek design is realized.
The beveled sides ensure a optimal light output and give a better connection with the roofing material.
The outside of the uprising is ribbed to create a good adhesive resistance to insure.
The 3-wandig geïsoleerde Plexilux® PVC-opstand (K-waarde van 2.4 Kcal/m²h°c) wordt, zoals de Plexilux® lichtkoepels, aangeboden in 95 different sizes.
De Plexilux® PVC-opstand is verkrijgbaar in een height of 15 cm, which is more than sufficient to provide a waterproof mounting of the skylight on the stand.
De Plexilux® PVC-opstanden zijn aesthetic in view and its maintenance-free.

Plexilux® metalen are manufactured. steel plate with on the outside a insulation layer.
In tegenstelling tot Plexilux® PVC opstanden en Plexilux® polyester opstanden zijn de Plexilux® metalen opstanden recht. This means that the dimensions are equal to the roof opening.
Just like the PVC and polyester stands, the metal stands are also available in 90 different sizes. Each height is at request available (15 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm, 30 cm, 40 cm and 50 cm).
The glasvezelversterkte Plexilux® polyesteropstanden glass fibre reinforced PLEXILUX® stands round domes (polyester is perfect to cast in any shape), but its also available square and rectangular in 90 different sizes.
The height van een Plexilux® polyester opstand kan variëren van 15 cm, 30 cm to 50 cm.
Top and bottom de Plexilux® polyester opstand is er a flange foresee for confirmation on the one hand on the roof construction and on the other hand on the dome.